Brilliant! In a city of a million people, to which they had invited the whole world, they built a 'Party Central' that could hold only 12,000.
Why didn't any of those political geniuses ask themselves how a bath-full was going to cram itself into a thimble?
And why couldn't they see that their bright-'n-shiny Super Silly, newly built out of a Nat-picking mashup of ideological Lego, would not fail to drop the party ball, collapse the party scrums and miss every goal on the fan-zone paddock?
If they were the All Blacks they wouldn't even be able to beat the team from Libya. Which doesn't have a team...
Party Central in a World-Class City? No: Pits Central in a Wally-Class Silly.
But they got the shape of that building right. A legless white elephant.
Why didn't any of those political geniuses ask themselves how a bath-full was going to cram itself into a thimble?
And why couldn't they see that their bright-'n-shiny Super Silly, newly built out of a Nat-picking mashup of ideological Lego, would not fail to drop the party ball, collapse the party scrums and miss every goal on the fan-zone paddock?
If they were the All Blacks they wouldn't even be able to beat the team from Libya. Which doesn't have a team...
Party Central in a World-Class City? No: Pits Central in a Wally-Class Silly.
But they got the shape of that building right. A legless white elephant.