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A Waiheke Island Myth Part 1 On Waiheke Island, New Zealand, a myth has grown up among a handful of people in the Rocky Bay Village th...

Wednesday, 26 September 2018


So $11 million is to be spent to rid Waiheke Island of rats and stoats, the nasty foreign predators making off with our bird-life in their voracious jaws.

But the regime has overlooked cats, the murderous moggies that have been set free or made off and have gone feral, and the still-domestic ones being let out every day or night to roam far and wide, both voraciously eliminating the same bird-life. The very least that should be done is to make it
mandatory to put a bell round their necks so they cannot sneak up on their prey. Big Ben would be a
nice size... ;-)

They have also overlooked the worst breed of rats: bureauc-rats, which, in contradistinction to true
public servants, are predators of the most wicked kind. They love to gnaw away at people's live with
their malign policies, processes and decisions, none of which have anything to do with natural
justice. The Pied Piper of Hamelin would need three flutes to get rid of them.

Or just chuck them off the wharf and let them swim back to Orcland, the most appropriate place for them....

Wednesday, 30 May 2018


Some of you may have seen this rubbish written by someone who obviously has no love for older people, and likes to shoot his mouth off before he gets his brain loaded with factual bullets.

The response to his diatribe is easy:

Your maths is all wrong.

$4087 over 22 months is $185 per month. That, at $38 a return, is 5 trips on average per month. That
is not a daily commute. It is once a week. Such as being an outpatient at the hospital. Or shopping
at the Warehouse in town to save money on the pension. Or to see a friend from time to time.

You have built a story out of your own invention, founded on your very obvious bias.

And your $200,000 divided by 100 is $2000, which at $38 a return is 52 trips. One a week. Even that
is not a daily commute.

Again, your own figures prove you wrong.

And you have not the slightest idea of how wealthy or not those travellers are. You are guessing.
Interviewing your word-processor.


And the plural of bus is buses. 'Busses' is the plural of 'buss', the old word for a kiss.